Table of Contents



1: Selecting Data from Oracle

2: Advanced Data Selection in Oracle

3: Creating the Oracle Database

4: Creating Other Database Objects in Oracle

5: Introducing PL/SQL

UNIT 2 Developing PL/SQL Program Units

6: Procedures and Functions in PL/SQL Development

7: Debugging PL/SQL Procedures and Functions

8: Managing Procedures, Functions, and Functional Dependency

9: Developing and Using Packages

10: Developing and Using Database Triggers

UNIT 3 Building Forms I

11: Introduction to Oracle Developer/2000

12: Form Builder

13: Forms Design I

14: Forms Design II

15: Working with Triggers

16: Forms Processing

17: Forms Programming

UNIT 4 Build Forms II

18. Project Builder

19: Working with Menu Modules

20: Advanced Forms Programming I

21: Advanced Forms Programming II

22: Advanced Forms Programming III

UNIT 5 Building Reports

23: Introducing Oracle Reports

24: Introducing Report Builder

25: Enhancing Data Content in Report Builder

26: Enhancing Layout and Properties in Report Builder

27: Developing Other Features in Reports

28: Advanced Topics in Report Design

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